Friday, October 5, 2007

Roe Vs Wade Not The Real Issue Needing Overturned.

If you ask the media what the biggest issue driving Evangelicals in the area of politics, most sources would tell you it was a candidates stand on abortion or perhaps gay marriage. Of course that is what the liberal media wants us to believe, because there is an even bigger issue yet to be sufficiently addressed that could lure thousands of new Evangelical voters to the ballet boxes in November 2008, and that issue is protecting Christians from losing their First Amendment rights in the false name of separation of church and state. For far too long we have allowed liberal courts and anti-theist judges to strip of our religious freedoms and remove any indication of the principles this country was founded on from our everyday lives.

Like the verse of an R.E.M song, “That’s me in the corner, that’s me in the spotlight, losing my religion.” Everyday in America our religious freedoms are stolen from us by atheists and anti-theists who scream about tolerance only to be intolerant of an evidence of theism in this country. There are those who were quick to attack Senator John McCain for saying that America is a Christian nation. But these same people can’t face the fact that, well McCain was partly right. While not all of our fore fathers were practicing Christians, they were all theists who believed in God or a higher power and whose reasons for emigrating from their homelands and forming this country were first and foremost to find shelter from religious persecution. In fact, the founders of our nation believed so strongly in either a God or a higher power that each state of these United States of America, has reference of said God or a higher power written into their individual state constitutions. Some states went a step beyond that and felt the need to include a reference to Christ on the document that was so sacred to those who signed it.

Separation of church of state was designed to prevent the federal government from enforcing one state sponsored religion, period, end of statement. It was never intended to remove God from the everyday lives of millions of believers and infringe up the rights of individuals, communities, organizations, districts or states to decide for themselves how to practice their own believes. It was not the intent of our forefathers to ban The Ten Commandments from our schools or courthouses. In fact, many early settlement schools taught The Bible in the classroom. And our courts set a standard practice of swearing in by placing ones hand upon the very book that is so sacred to Christians and swearing truth under penalty of perjury under God. Separation of Church and State was not a ploy or blueprint to discourage or punish those who chose to practice their religion in public. If a politician can preach his or politics in their street, and an entertainer can sing, dance, or play, then a believer must be allowed to preach, pray, sing, write about, teach and display teachings to or of his or her own God if he or she desires. Of course atheists and Anti-theists must also be free to practice their own religion or lack thereof in the same said manner. This is what equality is all about.

We cannot ban the Pledge of Allegiance from our schools. It is as much of a right of the school district to choose for its students to state the Pledge of Allegiance each morning, as it the right of those who choose not to recite it to peacefully protest. This is America; this is a democracy where our freedoms are supposed to be guaranteed. It’s about time that the media use their constitutional right to free speech and defend our own constitution. And along those same lines it’s about time that we as American’s and we as Christian Evangelicals stand up and tell the government with one loud and clear voice that cannot be ignored that we are tired of letting the government take from the people and put the decisions back where they belong and that is with the people.

We need to elect an Evangelical president that will seek out liberal lawmakers and send them packing to the unemployment lines. We need a president who will overturn laws that are intolerant to what we as Christians hold to be self evident. We need to stand in once voice and grab the whips from the hands of the slave drivers that are beating us into submission and drive out the liberal anti-theist lawmakers that are seeking to drive us and our beliefs from the public eye. Once we are free of religious persecution we need to shake off the pain of being old tired whipped dogs and start loving America and her people with the enthusiasm of a newborn puppy to its mother and its master so that we can ensure that this sort of persecution will never happen again.

We need to follow the example of Jesus Christ and retake the Great Commission, seeking not to force our beliefs upon this world, but only to seek out those in poverty, those in captivity, those that are in pain, as well as those that suffer from persecution and indignity, and show them the love of Jesus free from judgment or condemnation. We need to show them that Christ did not come here to persecute sinners or bring hellfire down upon their sinners. Christ came here to die for the forgiveness of all our sins, all sin being equal, regardless of race, religion, sex or color. As Christians it is our responsibility to preserve our way of life and our duty to love the world and set an example for the children of tomorrow. And it’s about time we started doing just that, starting with electing a president like Mike Huckabee that will defend the freedom of America as well the religious freedoms of everyone in America, even those that do not believe and will do so in a manner that every citizen and our forefathers who established our country would find fitting.


Unknown said...

I am a youth pastor in an Evangelical church.

The supreme court is ONE judge away from overturning Roe V. Wade.

Huckabee probably cannot win in the general election. Romney has a very good shot at winning.


Romney will appoint a pro-lifer. Romney’s LDS values are identical to Evangelical values, differing theologies are irrelevant in the Oval Office.

I like Huckabee, really, but as Evangelicals it is our duty to make sure we nominate someone who can win.

BOTTOM LINE: A vote for Huckabee is a vote for Hillary or Obama. A vote against LIFE.

ExcellenceInAmerica said...

You know, out of all of the Republicans running for President, Mike Huckabee is my favorite Democrat... too bad I don't vote for Democrats.

11 Smiths for Huckabee said...

Please help us get this video out to Texans by posting it on your blog, then emailing a link to all the Texans and all the Huckabee supporters you know!

Thanks, and GO HUCKABEE!

Jane Hall said...

Dear Mike Huckabee Blogger,

Brett Passmore and Tommy Brents, formerly of HucksArmy, have begun an effort to bring together values voters accross America. Please take a moment to review the general welcome message from the main page of our site:


Welcome to the F3 coalition. We’re an organization founded by true conservatives. We support candidates, legislation and education that promote our three principal values.

We believe that our mission is to inspire, educate, motivate and empower individuals to become values-voters so that they can become active in the political process.

Our vision is to have an ever increasing group of values voters who are active in promoting conservative principles in local, state, and federal governments (specifically the “f3″ values).

The F3 values mentioned above are faith, family and freedom.

* Faith - We believe faith is essential to conservatism. Only through a close personal relationship with Jesus Christ can true compassion and conservative values be understood.

* Family - We believe that the traditional family is the only means by which to enact change in a corrupt society and to bring meaningful structure to a diseased culture.

* Freedom - We believe that every living person is the legitimate creation of God and that all persons should have the freedom to worship and live without the burden of an oppressive national or world government.

If you believe in this cause and the values we espouse, then we invite you to join our fight. Hundreds of conservatives just like you have already joined our ranks and with your help we can help change the direction of American politics.


We have already taken the Liberty of adding your blog to our blogroll at, and I invite you to promote our organization on your blog using one of the banners available on our promotion page here:

If for some reason you'd like to be removed from our blogroll please reply to this email or send a message to Thank you for your time and consideration of our organization.

Jane Hall
North Carolina

Faith Family Freedom